7 research outputs found

    Ontology-Mediated Historical Data Modeling: Theoretical and Practical Tools for an Integrated Construction of the Past

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    Building upon the concepts of constructed past theory, this paper introduces the outcome of ontology-mediated data modeling developed by the authors within the last 15 years. Assuming that the past is something constructed through reflection of former times, one of our major concerns is guaranteeing the traceability of the construction process of an integrated historical discourse built from all available sources of information, regardless of their origin or nature. Therefore, by means of defining key concepts such as 'unit of topography' and 'actor', we created an information system for data gathering and exploitation and applied it to some experiences of construction of the past. When applied within the archaeological domain, the result is an archaeological information system interoperable with other sources of historical information. Its strength is that it ensures the traceability of the process from the beginning avoiding the introduction and repetition of errors within the system. Along with the main case example developed in this paper, we also summarize some other data modeling examples within the same conceptual framework

    The Semantics of History. Interdisciplinary Categories and Methods for Digital Historical Research

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    This paper aims at introducing and discussing the data modelling and labelling methods for interdisciplinary and digital research in History developed and used by the authors. Our approach suggests the development of a conceptual framework for interdisciplinary research in history as a much-needed strategy to ensure that historians use all vestiges from the past regardless of their origin or support for the construction of historical discourse. By labelling Units of Topography and Actors in a wide range of historical sources and exploiting the obtained data, we use the Monastery of Sant Gen铆s de Rocafort (Martorell, Spain) as a lab example of our method. This should lead researchers to the development of an integrated historical discourse maximizing the potential of interdisciplinary and fair research and minimizing the risks of bias

    Morphometric analyses of Catalonian common greywares: some thoughts on typological classification of medieval and post-medieval pottery

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    [spa La cer谩mica com煤n de cocci贸n reductora y uso culinario constituye uno de los materiales arqueol贸gicos m谩s frecuentes en 茅poca medieval. A las dificultades de estudio inherentes a la gran homogeneidad de estas cer谩micas, de f谩bricas bastas, irregulares, preferentemente urdidas y acabadas mediante un torneado lento, se les a帽ade su elevada fragmentaci贸n y el volumen ingente de materiales recuperados en muchos contextos. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados obtenidos del an谩lisis morfom茅trico de productos de alfarer铆a tradicional de obra negra procedentes de Quart (Girona) y de cer谩micas grises medievales del yacimiento de Santa Margarida (Martorell, Barcelona). A tenor de los resultados obtenidos demostramos la validez metodol贸gica de una propuesta de clasificaci贸n que contempla la explotaci贸n estad铆stica multivariante de datos morfom茅tricos, incluyendo la variable del perfil de los vasos. Dicha explotaci贸n permite obtener clasificaciones tipol贸gicas precisas que tienen en cuenta el grado de fragmentaci贸n y permiten definir tipos comparables.[eng] Cooking wares fired under reducing atmosphere are one of the most common archaeological findings in medieval contexts. These are coarse, irregular and mostly coil-built vessels finished on the wheel. The great homogeneity of these products, together with the high level of breakage and the massive amount of sherds found out in many contexts are the main difficulties to deal with in order to study them. In this paper results obtained from the morphometric analysis of traditional craft greyware pottery from Quart (Girona) and medie- val greywares from the site of Santa Margarida (Martorell, Barcelona) are introduced. According to the obtained results in both cases, we demonstrate the methodological validity of including vessel's profile measurement within a multivariate statistic exploitation of morphometric data. This exploitation allowed us to obtain precise classifications that take into account the degree of breakage and to establish comparable types

    Assessing natural vs anthropogenic horizons through deposit modelling strategies at the Medieval Site of Santa Margarida (Martorell, Barcelona, Spain)

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    Geophysical surveys have been one of the most useful tools for non鈥恑nvasive archaeological field assessment. Whereas they have been regularly put into practice at the archaeological site of Santa Margarida (Martorell, Barcelona, Spain), the particular features of the site required a more specific strategy to identify the contact interface between anthropogenic and natural deposits and, therefore, to conclude the archaeological excavation. As the archaeological site is settled on Quaternary alluvia at the confluence of two rivers, and in the absence of built structures in some areas, it was extremely difficult to distinguish between anthropic layers and those silty or sandy natural deposits during fieldwork. Extensive soil survey by means of borehole logging, full鈥恈oring, and Dynamic Penetrometer Super Heavy testing within this site has proved to be a useful strategy to identify the geological horizon and to map the original relief of past landscape before excavation tasks. This enabled us to plan our fieldwork better and to interpret particular features of the site. This paper aims at summarising the results of recent surveys and discussing the potential of this approach for the study of rural settlements and agrarian landscapes in the Middle Age

    La Configuraci贸 del paisatge medieval: el comtat de Barcelona fins al segle XI

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    [cat] En els darrers anys l'estudi del paisatge, ent猫s com a sistema, s'ha mostrat com una via de gran fertilitat per fer avan莽ar la recerca hist貌rica des d'una perspectiva que incorpori la comprensi贸 de la complexitat i la integraci贸 de les diverses fonts hist貌riques: documentals, arqueol貌giques, estudis paleoambientals, geoarqueol貌gics, etc. El territori que identifiquem com a comtat de Barcelona reuneix un seguit de condicions, tant en el seu propi proc茅s hist貌ric com en relaci贸 als plantejaments d'aquesta recerca, que ens van fer considerar-lo com un 脿mbit adequat. L'elecci贸 respon a l'inter猫s per l'煤s de recursos inform脿tics en el tractament de la informaci贸, en un prop貌sit de cercar resposta a com fer-ho i com, de la mateixa manera que ha estat possible en altres ci猫ncies, afrontar el processament de grans quantitats d'informaci贸 en la recerca hist貌rica, tot fent possible extreure informaci贸 de dades que aparentment, per a茂llades, podien semblar poc rellevants. El sistema de treball emprat es basa en un seguit de conceptes que permeten la gesti贸 integrada de la informaci贸. Unitat d'informaci贸 ser脿: Qualsevol indicaci贸 que permeti con猫ixer la composici贸, l'estat, les variacions i les interelacions de i entre els elements que constitueixen un sistema. Cada unitat d'informaci贸 pot pert脿nyer exclusivament a una de les dues 煤niques classes de representaci贸 d'unitats d'informaci贸 amb les quals treballarem: Unitats Topogr脿giques [UT] i Actors [AC]. Unitat Topogr脿fica [UT]: Entenem Unitat Topogr脿fica [UT] com l'indicador d'una acci贸 o situaci贸 que es pot ubicar en l'espai i en el temps, independentment de l'especificitat de la font d'informaci贸 i del seu origen bi貌tic, abi貌tic o antr貌pic. Actor [AC]: Entenem per Actor [AC] el protagonista individual o corporatiu d'una acci贸. Operativament, es sistema de gesti贸 de la informaci贸 que hem desenvolupat funciona sobre un sistema de gesti贸 de bases de dades i un sistema d'informaci贸 geogr脿fica. El SGBD est脿 integrat per diverses bases de dades, tant per a la introducci贸 d'informaci贸 com per a tasques de validaci贸 de dades o auxiliars. Els recursos del SIG s'articulen sobre les bases cartogr脿fiques de suport, indispensables per a la referenciaci贸 geogr脿fica de les dades gestionades pel SGBD. A aquesta capacitat de georeferenciaci贸 cal afegir la de generaci贸 autom脿tica de cartografia d'UT. La combinaci贸 d'aquestes dues capacitats 茅s la que ens permetr脿 generar els suports cartogr脿fics necessaris en cada moment segons el per铆ode i el fenomen objecte d'estudi, sempre a partir d'un 煤s integrat de les fonts. 脡s a partir d'aquest punt que ens hem plantejat l'estudi de l'evoluci贸 del paisatge en l'脿mbit del comtat de Barcelona, analitzant les perviv猫ncies de les estructures territorials anteriors; la forma com aquestes han condicionat els models posteriors; el proc茅s d'implantaci贸 dels castells termenats i de les sagreres i la seva relaci贸 sobre la redistribuci贸 de les zones d'h脿bitat; la distribuci贸 i densitat dels diferents cultius en relaci贸 a les zones d'h脿bitat, la xarxa vi脿ria i les 脿rees de consum; la configuraci贸 dels nuclis urbans, etc. L'objectiu 煤ltim no 茅s pas l'automatitzaci贸 de la producci贸 cartogr脿fica hist貌rica, sin贸 possibilitar la gesti贸 integrada de la informaci贸, prenent en consideraci贸 la seva significaci贸 territorial i identificar aquesta realitat territorial per a cada moment en estudi, pr猫viament a endinsar-nos en l'an脿lisi territorial. L'explotaci贸 i l'an脿lisi de les dades constitueix la darrera fase d'un proc茅s complex al qual ens ajuden les eines inform脿tiques, per貌 aquestes no en s贸n l'objectiu.[eng] During the last years, the study of the landscape, as a system, has shown a very fertile way to move forward the historical research, from a point of view that includes to understand the complexity and to integrate the various historical sources: documents, archaeology, paleo-environmental studies, geo-archaeology, etc. The territory that we identify as a county of Barcelona collects many conditions, not only in its own historical process, but also related to the approach to this research, which made us to consider it as a suitable area. The studied territory includes an area of approximately 4.500 km2, with a length of about 125 km. and a width average of 40 km., in a strip parallel to the Mediterranean coast. The choice has been planned and responds to the interest in using the computer science resources when dealing with the information. It is a serious aim to look for an answer to the way of handling it, as well as how to face the data processing of huge amounts of information in the historic research, as it has been possible in other fields of the science. In an operative way, this developed management system of information, works on a system of data base management and a system of geographical information. From this situation, we have decided to study the evolution of the landscape in the county of Barcelona, analysing the remains of the previous territorial structures; the way that these ones have determined later models; the process of implementation of the bounded castles and the sacraria, as well as their relationship about the re-distribution of the habitat areas; the distribution and density of the crops related to the areas of habitat; the road network and the consumer areas; the building of urban settlements, etc

    CEM 50/40 Arqueologia. Una mirada retrospectiva amb projecci贸 de futur

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    Aquest treball sintetitza l'experi猫ncia de creaci贸 d'una exposici贸 temporal ideada i implementada pel Centre d'Estudis Martorellencs amb motiu del cinquantenari de la instituci贸 i dels quaranta anys de recerca arqueol貌gica formal a Santa Margarida. Durant gaireb茅 un any sencer transcorregut des de la idea original fins a la cloenda d'excavaci贸, l'associaci贸 s'ha dedicat a construir un relat nodrit de nombrosos recursos audiovisuals que han pret猫s acostar la tasca realitzada des de la nostra instituci贸 al p煤blic en general. Despr茅s de cloure l'exposici贸, en fem balan莽 i posem els continguts a disposici贸 del p煤blic en format virtual

    L'esgl茅sia i la necr貌poli de Santa Margarida (Martorell, Baix Llobregat)

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    El jaciment arqueol貌gic de Santa Margarida 茅s situat al municipi de Martorell, a molt poca dist脿ncia del nucli urb脿 antic, en una zona de terreny amb suau pendent al marge dret del riu Anoia. L'esgl茅sia de Santa Margarida del Priorat de Sant Gen铆s de Rocafort i una senzilla masia del segle XVII, constitueixen les construccions visibles. El territori de la parr貌quia de Santa Margarida, antigament independent de la de Martorell, es corresponia amb el del monestir de Sant Gen铆s, situat dalt de la muntanya, a molt poca dist脿ncia. La unitat d'aquest territori s'ha vist tallada per la construcci贸 de l'autopista A-7, obra que ha contribu茂t tamb茅 a una alte颅raci贸 profunda de la topografia original del lloc i ha esborrat les traces dels ca颅mins antics